Tuesday, September 14, 2010

TCCHS Senior Rep - Class of 2011

Chelsea Frazier!! :)

We had a GREAT time doing Chelsea's Senior Portraits Sunday!! It was suppose to rain, so I was a little worried, however, there literally wasn't a cloud in the sky! An absolutely beautiful day, that started with a less than perfect forecast...  We started with some indoor portraits of her (and of course it wouldn't have been complete without her little puppy "Romeo."  He did SUPER amazing and made my job look SO easy... but it's usually not when you throw an animal into the mix. I mean, look at this face... and he looked JUST like that when he was seated next to her on the ground... can you believe it? I couldn't!

Then, we took to the country for the rest of her session and it was amazing!! The land we were on was gorgeous! We walked and walked until I decided that I HAD to photograph this old beat up, rusted out Cadillac that had probably sat there in the very same place longer than Chelsea has been alive.... so, we went next door and asked for permission from the gentleman that owned it.... he couldn't understand how I could see beauty in this "hunk of junk" and why I wouldn't want to use his newer, pretty, better taken care of Dodge... click the link at the end of this session to go to my website and view all Chelsea's pics and see the White Dodge that I am referencing here.

There were so many good pics from this session that I couldn't just pick one to display on my blog... so many different looks, so many different type situations... all so Chelsea inspired. She didn't want her Senior Portraits to look like anyone else's, and I can promise you, they definitely won't!  She's a beautiful girl, and such a trooper to do her session in almost 100 degree heat.. with a heat index of 116 might I add. Between all the walking and sweating, I'm sure we burned at least 300 calories easily... lol.  Chelsea, thanks for selecting me to be your Senior Portrait Photographer! I had a blast and I know you talked to several photographers before you "HAD" to use me. Make me smile! :) *tear*


Yep, we went to the first game of the season... and wasn't it amazing?! FSU (59) vs. Samford (6). Needless to say there was L.O.T.S. of screaming and cheering from our row (hhhmmm, who was doing all that?) Anyways, here are some pics of us from our exciting game... WAY too hot... but SO much fun!!

Tristen and his best friend, Tyler, on the way to the game /  Tristen and Connor.. cute!

Outside Doak Campbell Stadium before game... Connor was ready to be in there already! lol

Me & Boys... horrible pic of ALL three of us, but i learned if I keep deleting pics that I don't like, I end up with none. So I stopped, I try to embrace something positive about each one now. At least we're all smiling... well, kind of... the boys have the same fake smile going at least.. haha

Me and Tristen

Connor & his "Hanny" (told u it was hot!)

Me and Hannah

Ok, now you see why I am NEVER in the photos... I am NOT good on THIS side of the camera... I'd rather be taking pictures than being in them ANY DAY!! And, now you understand. The End.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Powe Family

I had an indoor photo session with the Powe Children last night... they are absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Here is a sneak peek... I'll be working on them this evening as we didn't finish up until around 9pm... hopefully I'll have them completed and uploaded by tomorrow... but until then, here they are:

Big Sister, Kinley

Sibling Love.... one word... SWEET!

Baby Brother, Fisher

Back to work...

Monday, I had a corporate photo session for Caldwell & Langford in Thomasville, GA. This group is so much fun. They made me laugh the whole time I was there. Here is a peak at their group photo, but make sure to click the link below their group portrait to view all their individual portraits as well.  Thanks for having me come out. I was honored that you asked me...

Caldwell and Langford also has a new producer on staff, Chase Strickland.  Chase has an ad going into the Thomasville paper announcing his new position and we had to head out to a local plantation to do a quick mini-session of head shots for the paper. Everyone said they definitely caught the true Chase!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

I find myself wondering...

Did I give you your due..
For all that you've done for me
Did I ever thank you?
For all of my childhood memories
For helping me deal with life's stresses
For helping me accept my defeats
And celebrate my successes?
Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Good judgement, courage, and being true
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared
Did I ever thank you?
If I have forgotten, I'm thanking you now
You taught me right from wrong....
I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated
I hope you, instinctively, knew all along.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Last Weekend...

Last weekend was my best friend, Hannah's 21st Birthday... it was off to Atlanta again.. I know I know, two weekends in a row... am I crazy... I'd say so... LOL. Helps my "homesick" feeling though...  We went to Atlanta Opera... and you HAVE to check it out... it was the most fun I've had a VERY long time!! Click here to go to their website... They had a beautiful wedding event earlier that day and it was amazing!  I'll have to post a pic of the outside soon... I am not sure where I put the memory card with the pic of it... but here's a snapshot of the inside:

Here's where we stayed... I highly recommend it... Atlanta Marriott Suites Midtown... the service is superb and with it only being a block from Opera, it was so easy to walk and to walk to eat dinner... though we opted to eat at the Marriott...

View from our 14th floor suite....

I never have a blog entry without faces, so here we are before heading to Opera...

Ok, Ok... Where Have I Been?

I keep getting emails about where I am, why I haven't posted new blogs... we'll I've been SUPER BUSY!! I have missed ya'll, too, though... I'm about to post new blogs as to what I have been up to the last two weeks... not too exciting, but I'm happy to oblige.

Weekend before last, I took the boys for a fun Atlanta weekend. We are all just a tad bit homesick. And, it was fun. We visited with family and had some much needed "family time."

First thing Saturday morning, we made a trip to a nearby bowling alley.

Look how awesome the bowling alley is and check out the seating areas at each lane! The photo really doesn't do this place justice!! Soooo cool!

Then, it was off to some laser tag... the boys had a BLAST at this and kicked the other teams butts!!

We were the blue team... Here's there scores... Tristen was Player 10, Clint was 17 & Connor was 12...

After laser tag... it was off to Balladium.  Balladium is a brand new ball blasting game that is played in black light with lots of UV foam balls, 3D props and music, this ball blasting game is fun, challenging and exciting!

Balladium is a high energy game played with two teams competing to hit the other team’s targets. The announcer begins each game with basic instructions. Once the teams begin playing, music is pumping and black lit foam balls can be seen flying all around. The team hitting the most targets wins the game.

Look how cool! :

Off to indoor bumper cars:

And you can't visit Atlanta with kids without making a trip to Stone Mountain Park for the Laser Light Show!

Well, are you tired from seeing all of our running.. I don't think I have EVER slept harder than I did that night... LOL